Welcome to Centering Prayer

If you are searching for God or for a way to get to know Him better, this silent gentle way of praying may be for you.

God is present to each one of us, at the centre of our being, every moment of our lives, regardless of our religion, race, nationality or position in life.  He is loving us with a love we cannot begin to imagine.  He knows us intimately and longs to make Himself known to us. In Centering Prayer we sit silently in His Presence and allow our usual thoughts flow past without paying any attention to them. We allow ourselves to be present to God, to let God love us. It is an ancient way of prayer presented in an updated form.

Click here for our

Christmas Message

Upcoming Events

Saturday 8th February 2025. Day of Prayer and Reflection. 

Venue: Holy Cross Benedictine Abbey, Kilbroney Road, Rostrevor, Newry, Co Down

Time: 9.30am – 4.00pm

Contact: Michele Berry:  micheleg44@yahoo.com

Cost: £40-

21 – 23 February 2025. Weekend Centering Prayer retreat.

Venue: Ards Friary, Creeslough, Co Donegal

Contact & Registration:  Theresa.  Email: info@ardsfriary.ie  Phone:  00353 (0)74 913 8909

Cost: €230-   

10 – 15 March 2025. Lenten Centering Prayer Retreat

Venue: Manresa Jesuit centre of Spirituality, Clontarf, Dublin   DOFP52

Contact/: Registration Maggie. Email   reception@manresa.ie  Phone 00353 (0)1 552 9448

Cost: €650- 

Click HERE for our Retreat List 2025

All Donations are Gratefully Accepted

Thank You!